My apologies to Gekko... Greed sucks. As a Libertarian I am all for profits. When those profits become excessive however, it is time to sit up and say hhhmmm. How did GE, which earned $10.3 billion (yes billion with a b) not pay income tax and actually get $1.1 billion (once again yes a b as in a billion) in tax benefits? My favorite though is Exxon which pays no taxes because it goes into research and development. This from the company who has sworn they will never research alternative fuels.
Put this into contrast lower and middle class pay 10-28 % of their taxable income. When was the last time you got a $1.1 billion tax benefit? $400/household lets get real. Instead of bailing out the banks they could have given $10,000 (yes thats ten thousand) to every man woman and child in the country. A family of four could have received $40,000. How much economic stimulation could you have caused with $40,000? Even if all you did was pay off your credit card debt, that would have helped. Heck it would have ended up going to the banks, but this way the middle class instead of the CxO would have received the benefit.
Who is running the government that is supposed to be by, of and for the people?
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