I admit it I couldn't get through the first three chapters of the first Harry Potter book and that was when it was a relatively short 309 pages. The last book was a whopping 759. I love young adult books and read them all the time. How many young adult books are that long? She bored me to tears. I tried, I really did try to read it but couldn't.
She basically admitted to being a hack by saying she wouldn't write anything else in the fantasy genre because it would overlap Potter. There are many fantasy authors out there many of whom few outside fantasy fandom have ever heard of who have no need to plagiarize anyone including themselves and have created many magical worlds.
Why was there all this fuss about a nobody? She keeps claiming she is working on other books, she's been claiming this since before the last Potter book was published 4 years ago, so not only is she a hack she's an already has been who has not a single creative bone in her body, and can't even tell a story in a decent amount of words.
What am I missing? She is being placed on lists of greatest writers of all time and has neither published all that much nor withstood the test of time. Kudos to Scholastic for foisting her onto the world.
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