Tuesday, June 28, 2011

RantsAndRaves Pt 4a Big Brother

The moment everyone has been waiting for... My first real rant about Big Brother and how they know what's best for us.

Whoever named the Patriot Act was laughing hysterically, I hope. While maybe not ironic it is certainly far from the truth. Patriotism is NOT about kowtowing to the government. It is a devotion to one's country. This means you love where you live and will defend it from invaders and naysayers. It does NOT mean that you can not disagree with the government.

Nowhere does it say in the Constitution that you can not disagree with the government as long as you do not advocate the violent (note the adverb) overthrow of the government. The confederates advocated the violent overthrow of the government.

So where was I? Oh yeah Big Brother... In the name of Patriotism the government has declared its right to wiretap without a warrant. They can determine how much psuedoephedrine you are allowed to purchase (regardless of how many people in your household have allergies mind you). The pointless searches at airports. The things you can or can not bring onto an airplane- what do they have to do with sneaker bombs? Don't be someone who has the same name as a known terrorist even if you're 6 years old.

My belief is that the role of government is to defend its citizens and to stand up for those who can not stand for themselves. Have recent, the last 11 years of, government regulations made you safer? Richer? Given you MORE individual rights? if you answered yes to any of those questions you are amongst the elite. How are your tax rates doing? Keeping more or less of your hard earned money? Guess what! Exxon doesn't pay corporate taxes. How does that make you feel?

I am not saying get rid of the Democrats in favor of the Republicans or vice versa. I am saying it is time to throw the sorry lot out on their ears, rip up the entire federal regulations including and especially the tax code and go back to the basic Constitution. Clean it up while we are at it, I mean what is the point of keeping Amendment 18 if it was repealed by 21?

Lets go back to the ideals this country were built on: "establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity" (first line of the Constitution)

No more government telling you what you can and can't purchase. No more government telling you what you can and can not say or do. No more Big Brother watching over us.

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